Irish Examiner Column 10/05/2021: Always Wrong is Alright too
Sustainability’s a hard sell right now. Our impulse is just to be unsustainable for a while. We want run out into the streets shouting “WE’VE ENOUGH SUSTAINING. I WANT AN OUTDOOR HANGOVER. TAKE MY MONEY AND GIVE ME A SUBSTANDARD POLLUTING THING. I JUST WANT TO FEEL ALIVE.”
But sustainability isn’t just a joyless sequence of “stop that” and “you can’t have that” and “this is wrong”.
Colm O’Regan Wants a Word - Staycation Once Again
Deirdre O'Kane joins Colm O'Regan, plus actors Sharon Mannion and Paul Tylak, to explore the weird, wild and wonderful world of staycations and holidaying in Ireland this summer.
Irish Examiner Column 03/05/2021: At heart, i’m still a pullet
Pullets. It’s one of the words from my childhood that I assumed that everyone used. Words like haggart -the field or farmyard closest to the house- or budget -a knapsack sprayer my father wore like the Mandalorian (without any protective gear, natch) or Latchiko which was a catch-all for people who’d be hanging around and might possibly steal a lawnmower. And then I didn’t hear them again for years. But yesterday, I thought again about pullets.
Irish Examiner Column 26/04/2021: On the merits of Staycations
They’re at it again. Flying kites. But this time they’re flying kites about the summer. After a year of warnings about bad things, now there are hints about the good things.
The vaccination prodding is still there though. To see if they get an adverse reaction. Last week they jabbed us with a hint that the under-30s might get it before the 30-50s. People got het up. Not me. As someone who works in a 'creative' industry, my whole life consists of accepting that someone younger and less deserving will get a break I wanted. So I’m totally zen about when I get the one-two.
Irish Examiner Column 19/04/2021: The Extra Programme
Do you know what I miss? The Extra Programme.
Like power cuts, hitchhiking and warning hitchhikers that ‘that car window didn’t close properly so don’t open it, like a good man’, the Extra Programme was a feature of life thirty years ago, that we accepted as normal. I never quite understood where the Extra Programme came from.
Irish Examiner Column 12/04/2021: Slow Walking
The little ones are starting to grow into actual people. When do you notice that? Is it when they have opinions? Tastes in music?
Irish Examiner Column 05/04/2021: Poxy ads
“Poxy chores”. When you read that, there’s a strong chance you’ve lowered your chin, put on a Dublin accent and started singing like Ronnie Drew
Colm O’Regan Wants a Word - There IS a need for that kind of language
Episode 22 of Colm O’Regan Wants a Word for RTE Radio 1 was out on St Patrick’s Day and my guest was the fascinating Dr Sarah-Ann Buckley
Irish Examiner Column 29/03/2021: Forget NPHET, NFT is where it’s at.
By the time you read this, I might already be a millionaire.s
Irish Examiner Column 22/03/2021: I’ve stopped worrying about the R number.
Call it self-care, call it mellowing, call it ‘no one was listening anyway‘. But I'm trying not to get cross about unimportant things. I calmed down about apostrophes
The Function Room Podcast -episode 9 Matrix Revised
Okay enough messing around, this week we get into the Matrix. Okay not that matrix. The mathematical matrix. But this one is way more powerful than a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality. That’s piddly. Mathematical matrices are used in everywhere, from making computer games
Colm O’Regan Wants a Word - A brief history of history
Episode 22 of Colm O’Regan Wants a Word for RTE Radio 1 was out on St Patrick’s Day and my guest was the fascinating Dr Sarah-Ann Buckley
Irish Examiner Column 15/03/2021: On a streaming platform far, far away…
When normal life is abnormal sometimes you feel you need a prize for the smallest things
Irish Examiner Column 08/03/2021: Vouch for 5k
Warning: This column may contain traces of looking on the bright side.
Irish Examiner Column 01/03/2021: Slip into something more comfortable
At least now I know what I want for my birthday in May: new slippers.
Irish Examiner Column 22/2/21: Never did we need the Grand Stretch More
Spring: I realise now that was taking it for granted. Sure, didn’t the year always get round to it eventually? In primary school we were told it started in February, but part of growing up means understanding that February is, in its hole, the start of spring.